Evening LinkedIn Session

After attending the Linkedin session entitled 'Rock Your Profile' one early morning, we were then invited back to a session specifically aimed at employers: 'How to Attract the Best Talent' on August 11th.

Once again the Linkedin team (Specifically Old Collegian James Delahunty) welcomed us very warmly.  This time we were offered beautiful platters of cheese, biscuits, dried fruit and nuts accompanied by wine and beer. Thanks James!

We then moved in to be seated at tables and be able to continue to enjoy the wine and cheese while James gave us a great presentation.  It was very interactive and we specifically looked at some problems some of the employers in the room experience when searching for the right job applicants.

James was able to demonstrate how best to use the filters available on Linkedin to better target potential employees, and again used one of our participants and his workplace to better highlight the benefits.

The guests had many questions and I think left the session armed with some valuable information which hopefully will assist them in the future.

We would like to thank James for his time and for making himself available 'out of hours' to present to the Marcellin Business Network.

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